Chris Smedley Chief Executive Officer Chris is the Chief Executive and co-founder of Landways. Chris has over 25 years’ experience in the telecoms and in-building technology sectors. He is the former Chief Executive of Geo Networks which he co-founded in 2002. Geo was the first specialist provider of leased optical fibre in the UK, originally owned by Hutchison Whampoa and latterly Alchemy, a UK private equity fund. The business grew from zero turnover to over £40m in just over a decade and in 2014 was sold to Zayo, a US fibre infrastructure provider for $294m. Prior to Geo, Chris started life as a solicitor at Linklaters & Paines where he practised in the firm’s litigation department. In 1997, he was appointed Legal Director of Colt Telecom where he was a member of the senior management team, eventually with responsibility for the Property, Public Policy, Project Office and HR departments, as well as the Legal team. Chris holds a degree in European Law (LLB Hons) from the University of Warwick; a Diploma in Legal Practice from the College of Law; and was a Solicitor of the Supreme Court.